Pacific Crest Rocky Mountain Horse Club

Let Us Show You Why Your Next Horse Should Be a Rocky Mountain Horse

Join us for trail rides, workshops, clinics, camping trips and new horse adventures!

About us

We are Horse lovers, just like Yourself

The Pacific Crest Rocky Mountain Horse Club is a Rocky Mountain Horse Association sanctioned regional Club covering Northern California, Oregon, Washington, and surrounding states. While we promote the Rocky Mountain Horse, all breeds are welcome to join in the fun.

As a member, you can participate in a variety of Club events, such as trail rides, educational workshops, training clinics, and horse camping trips, including our annual Rocktoberfest campout at Point Reyes National Seashore in California. Membership is a great way to make friends, experience new horse adventures, share horsemanship knowledge, and celebrate our beloved Rocky Mountain Horse!

Our Mission

In support of the Rocky Mountain Horse Association’s mission, the Pacific Crest Rocky Mountain Horse Club promotes camaraderie and good horsemanship through fun events and activities for the enjoyment of the Rocky Mountain Horse.


Make a positive impact on the Rocky Mountain Horse breed by joining our Club.

Your membership in the Pacific Crest Rocky Mountain Horse Club:
  • Promotes and protects the Rocky Mountain Horse.
  • Provides support for the Rocky Mountain Horse Association’s Trail and Versatility programs. These programs reward you for doing what you love!
  • Raises funds for special causes, including the Western States Trail Foundation and Lucky Therapeutic Riding Program, which is led by a Rocky Mountain Horse named Missy. These organizations showcase the remarkable qualities of our beloved breed.

Did you know that the Rocky Mountain Horse is on The Livestock Conservancy list of threatened breeds?

A single annual (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31) membership only costs $30.

There’s a lot of fun to be had as a member in the PCRMHC! Join our Club or renew your membership now.

In addition, Club members reap these benefits:
  • Discounts on fee-based Club events;
  • First dibs at signups for Club events;
  • Prizes for fun activities.
Our Club members also get to:
  • Post items for sale on our Facebook group;
  • Meet trainers, nutritionists and veterinarians;
  • Discover new places to ride and camp;
  • Try new things in a supportive environment like horse camping, cowboy dressage, trail trials, etc.;
  • Make new friends and riding partners.


Join us for trail rides, workshops, clinics, camping trips and new horse adventures!
Date 2025 Events Location
January 1 Day Ride and Potluck “Happy New Year” Magnolia Staging Area, Near Coloma, CA
February 8 Day Ride “Meet Your New Club President Dennis Frank” Olmstead Staging Area, Cool, CA
March 14 Day Ride “St. Patrick’s Day Wear Green and Dress Up Contest” Granite Bay Staging Area, CA
April 19 and 20 Running I Obstacle Challenge and Horse Campout, 1 night Dunnigan, CA
April Day Ride Spenceville Wildlife Area, Penn Valley, CA
May 5 – 9 Sacramento River Bend Horse Campout, 4 nights Red Bluff, CA
June “Introduction to Horse Camping” Overnight Campout with Day Ride and BBQ to-be-determined
July 17 – 22 Montana De Oro Horse Campout, 5 nights Los Osos, San Luis Obispo County, CA
August Day Ride Castle Peak PCT at Boreal, CA
August 20 – 24 Wright’s Lake Horse Campout, 4 nights Eldorado National Forest, CA
September Horsey Play Day and BBQ Meadow Vista, CA
October 3 – 7 “Rocktoberfest” Horse Campout and Annual Membership Meeting, 4 nights Five Brooks, Point Reyes, Olema, CA

Board of Directors

Dennis Frank


Megan Mangiaracina

Vice President

Cindy Peterson


Cindy Twyman


Michelle P
Michelle Pagel

Events Coordinator

Debi Kramer

Membership Chair

Nicole Purviance

Communications Chair